Sunday 10 March 2013

rails and tracks

you must be proud
on how u find them
well and higher
than anyone that
couldn't buy them

but whats left is
a highland
made from curiosity
so sound in mind
barricaded by what
the hell was grown

smuked smoked
and choking now
on the aftermath
of what was fun
so innocently shown

if u don't know where
it all went wrong
perhaps if i say'ed
it like this
difficult to suppress
crave may we

please be awake
cost of white s now
that fell before my eyes
sleep deprived
ud be in the known

just what it was
that went right thru me
the good time
hypnotik the swirl
cruel and curling
around hy-pnotick

how the hell she
made chase
for all the spell
money wealth
soul being lost

true costings
infinite in my brain
the hidden demon
in his power
devil he had me
eventually gone

lucky for me
mind returned
struggles i now face
in choices i do yearn
to turn around

to start over
and get the chance
to grow old
with my true
wealth and full
mind and health

abcd...what would be me
pqrs...if i wasn't curios
wxyz.. i hope you can see, and dont act in naivety

any line in between it seen
i knew just what i was doing
green to white
shit a magic trick A
rabbit jumped out that fucking hat
and then madness struck

yet free now u know
and learnt well
never dumb
was well aware
it was my fall to take
major fail off rails
and tracking well
how well now oh so
so proud of the loud
expression on my face
success is grace

-+ profits and loss +-

parted by the water
just over the sea air
i can see the shores
where we stand tall

God forgive me for the ways i have sinned
my life spent all the time i bent
wasting away my good mind

they are waiting for more than wars
and what was before all this
found above heavens doors
discussing how to make truth happen

for all, it seems we're feeding
nothing but negatives and ease
it is as if we have achieved the greatest feat
more than another generation could ever compete

one day i pray its taken all away
so the beginning can start its play
and we can say the true world has begun
singing our demons to dust and dirt

it will rain new joys
and parting with the sorrows
they say we need this array of soul and grace
no longer borrowed and stolen

the tricks of those who sell and profit
from the disfunction and loss of you

writing on this upside down paper
yet the lines still trap my words
isn't it nice to be free people to be a freeing spirit

stuck on the lowest rung of ladders hung for every man
we will all face the facts of each years passing

he sits and creates such,
as which steps to take
options of whats right and fake
wit and intellect
while he waits for us

the saving of all
the saving of each others fait
not his choice but ours as a world
warred and worry, the fall of this

all this and it still seems its all worth it
worth more than a million births of the popular fear
this story of ours makes all for a stronger hold on future ways
learning from each day

make room for all your worth
not the tasks of your work
Make your worth work for the higher
of all this in due times